OPA is proud to announce the OPPP Games 2023 will be held on the 14th October 2023 (Saturday).
A total of 10 games will be played by both OPs and PPs this year:
- Football
- Hockey
- Volleyball
- Badminton
- Sepak Takraw
- Basketball
- Kayak
- Road Relay (Inter Company)
- Shooting (M16)
- Tug of War
The itinerary is as follows:
Venue: Shooting Range RAMD
0730 hrs- Arrivals and registrations
0800 hrs – Shooting competition begins
Venue: RMC Parade Square
0730 hrs- Arrivals and Games registrations (Football, hockey, basketball, takraw, badminton & volleyball)
0800 hrs – Opening Ceremony
0830 hrs – Games Kick-off
1200 hrs – Road Relay, Kayak & Tug of War
1300 hrs – Prize Giving & Closing Ceremony
1330 hrs – OPPP Lunch
1430 hrs – Dismissed
All OPs and family are welcomed to join this event. More details of the events will be shared soon.

Sekretariat OPA
Lee Boon Leong
How do I register for the shooting event please
OPA Web Administrator
Sir, here is the link regarding OPPP 2023 shooting event:
Lee Boon Leong
How do I register for the shooting event please
May I also check if I am a life member of OPA. I can vaguely recall I did that when we first planned for the OPA building project! I am 75 of Bravo Co Boys Wing 1965-68
OPA Web Administrator
Sir, you may contact OPA GM at 0126264060 for any membership enquiries.
Amirul Nazmy
How do i register for badminton?