9 APRIL 2023

On Sunday 9th April 2023 (18th Ramadhan) our R8 batch of OPS 87 91 gathered for our annual Buka Puasa get together.
It was a celebration of OP brotherhood marking 36 years since we all first prayed and buka puasa together as young boys in RMC.
It was a gathering with families, all together 70 in total with some coming afar from JB and Seremban.
The buka Puasa was preceded by a short Tahlil Arwah for our departed brother OP Kabses (Kamarul Azmi C coy) before Maghrib prayers followed by buka Puasa , Terawih and finally group discussion on the future of social and charitable direction of the batch as a whole.
The banter among boys, things like stories past told and retold many times and jokes that never gets old , unlike the persons enjoying the stories. It was as usual, reminiscing down memory lane.
Back then, we ate on metal trays and we had “Ikan jeket” with perhaps a fruit or kuih for Buka, now its nasi daging salai masak lemak with plenty of side dishes and kuih and not forgetting the Kambing Golek. At the end of the night, tinggal tulang saja.
Back then, our 388 friends would be attending prep classes while the others were performing terawih , Now they were kept busy attending to the kambing and pretty sure they had a few extra bites while at it.
Back then , our seniors supervised (Suruh) the new boys for terawih , now apparently a few of the wives were seen advising (Suruh) their husbands and kids to join the prayers. Notice how the word suruh is used so very subtly.
Thank you OPA for allowing us to use the premise.
Thank you all my batch mates for the 36 years of brotherhood.
In Shaa Allah, many more gatherings to come.
To all OPs, Peace be Upon you and have a blessed Remainder of Ramadhan
Written by: OP Dr Noorhisyam Salleh (Doc Ala)
87-91 Alpha