the old putera association

The need to establish an alumni association which would maintain the ties and friendship amongst former “Budak Boys” of the then “Boys’ Wing of the Federation Military College, Port Dickson” was recognised as early as in the 1960s. A number of attempts were made to formalise the association but it was not until 12th January 1971 that the “OLD PUTERA ASSOCIATION” was officially registered with the Registrar of Societies, with thanks to the founder members.
The Association has come a long way since then. Today, it can boast to be one of the most if not THE MOST active old boys’ association in the country.
The main objectives the Association
In addition, it was also the objective of the Association to realise its own building, which may be requisite for the purpose for or to be used in connection with the objectives of the Association.
The membership of the Association is open to all former students of the Boys’ Company/Boys’ Wing/Putera Division of the Federation Military College/ Royal Military College. There are two categories of membership – Life and Ordinary Members.
Life Members pay a one-time Life Membership Fee (currently, RM500.00) and need not pay any annual subscription.
Ordinary Members pay an Entrance Fee (currently RM50.00) and an Annual Subscription (currently RM50.00). Over the last ten years, there has been an average of 100 to 120 new members joining the Association annually. As at 31st May 2014 the total number of members stood at 2598 (2076 Life and 522 Ordinary Members).
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The activities of the Association are aimed at meeting the objectives of the Association. To promote the ties of friendship, unity, harmony amongst former students of the College, the Associations holds annual dinners, luncheon/dinner meetings/gatherings, sporting, social and religious activities amongst its members.
To render mutual aid amongst former students of the College, members have been contributing individually and collectively on welfare cases made known to the Association. To assist in any way to promote the education of needy and deserving students or former students of the College and/or their families, the Association provide loans to Ops to further their studies overseas. The Association conducts career talks to the Puteras from time to time to guide them in their choice of careers and in certain cases to solicit scholarships for them as well as on-job training after their study.
To uphold and protect jointly the charter, traditions, honour, prestige and interest of the College. The OPA President is a member on the RMC Board of Governors. To subscribe or contribute to charitable, religious, patriotic, and other deserving institutions; we have contributed to a number of charitable and deserving institutions.
In so far as the objective to realise our own building is concerned, we have achieved this. We now have our own Bangunan OPA at which building we have located our Secretariat, a place for our Committee to meet, a place to hold our gatherings, a source of income for our Building & Education Fund a proof and symbol of “OPA Boleh”.
The OPA Building & Education Fund was established for the realisation of a building for the Association and from the proceeds derived there form, to assist in any way to promote the education of the needy and deserving Old Puteras and/or members of their families
The OPA Building & Education is a tax-exempt fund and donations to this fund are tax-exempted. It is audited annually by a public accounting firm.
The Association publishes its own Newsletter, the “BERITA OPA” (aka BOPA) which contains news on the activities of the Association, its members and its alma mater.
The Association has its own homepage. The OPA Homepage contains information on the Association, its members and its alma mater. It also provides the venue for members to exchange ideas and information on matters of mutual interest. Website address:
The Association publishes its directory on its members, the “OPA WHO’s WHERE” which contains the updated particulars on members of the Association since mid-70s. It has been a useful book of reference for all members and as a tool for networking.
OPA Golf Section | OPA Rugby Section | OPA Cricket Section | OPA Football Section | OPA Futsal Section
to provide the occasions for members to meet from time to time through the various games held.
The above sections have veld numerous games amongst the members of the Association and other Old Puteras throughout the year. These sections also hold friendly games against other old boys’ associations and/or sports clubs and also participated in the various tournaments held at regional, state and national levels.
In addition, the above sections also undertake various activities ti support the development of the related sports amongst the Present Puteras in the College.
The income for the general activities of the Association comes from the Entrance Fees, Annual Subscriptions, Annual Dinner and the “OPA Who’s Where” as well as donations from members.
The expenses incurred are for office maintenance and utilities, staff salaries, administrative expenses and donations to the College.
The Association is managed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, a Vice-President, two Honorary Secretaries (one from the Armed Forces and one from the private sector), an Honorary Treasurer and ten Committee Members. They are individually elected into office biennially at the Annual General Meeting for a two-year term and can hold the same office for a maximum three terms consecutively. The College appoints a Liaison Officer who sits in the attendance during Committee Meetings.
The Executive Committee meets normally once a month to discuss matters pertaining to the activities, finance and membership of the Association as well as matters affecting the alma mater. Each Committee member is responsible for specific portfolio or portfolios. The day to day administration of the Association is carried out by a Secretariat with a General Manager and supporting staff located at the Penthouse of the OPA Building.
In addition, there are two internal auditors to audit the accounts of the Association and a Board of Appeal consisting of three members, to deliberate on matters pertaining to membership, rights and privileges of members which have been deliberated by the Executive Committee and brought to their attention by an aggrieved member. There are also three members of the Association who are nominated as Trustees by the Executive Committee.
The OLD PUTERA ASSOCIATION is an old boys’ association. Its activities have been set towards the realisation of its objectives which are stipulated in the OPA Constitution. Although we can be proud of our Association, we are yet to gather into our membership the majority of the Old Puteras who have graduated through the College; we are yet to get full support from all members for all our activities and we have yet to contribute to the well-being of our members and the society we live in. Only when we have realised there objectives, can we say that our Association has served its purpose and only then can we proudly say that we have ‘SERVE TO LEAD’ in the true tradition od the College’s motto.
To all those Old Puteras who persevered against all odds and never gave up to establish and to keep our Association going, we owe them a special word of thanks. To all those Old Puteras who have contributed towards the realization of our own Bangunan OPA, we say ‘Thank You’.
While these few persevered, many others have come forward to support the Association and its activities throughout its forty-three years of existence. To all, we say ‘Syabas’ and we look forward to their continued support.
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