president's message

president's message 2024
My dear fellow OPs,
I have probably just scraped through the probation period and reflecting on the 4 months tenure at the helm and after 3 EXCO meetings, I realized there is much work to be done to take the OPA to the next level of growth and further enhance its success as one of the leading alumni associations in Malaysia. In the short term, together with the Executive Committee of the OPA, we have decided to set up the following sub-committees to focus on: - (1) Constitution Review (2) Education Fund (3) Welfare Fund (4) Education Standards Review (5) Sports Excellence. As the names suggest the first sub-committee is to update and refresh the existing Constitution which is somewhat outdated and contains ambiguity which was not rectified in the past. The Education Fund is a fresh mandate for the sub-committee to raise funds for deserving students of RMC who cannot fund their higher education while the Welfare Fund is to provide aid to needy old boys and also appropriate charities. The Education Standards Review sub-committee is to drill down into the existing curriculum of our college to see if there are better options for Puteras to achieve better performances. The review should also consider the current short 2 year stint at the college and its effectiveness in inculcating the sort of spirit, tenacity and culture that many of us have benefitted when we spent 4 years in college. The Sports Excellence sub-committee’s object is to raise the standards of all the sports that RMC participates in especially in the inter-school league. The sub-committee would be seeking sponsorships to provide better coaches and equipment to achieve the desired outcome. For better transparency, accountability and meet the highest standards of governance, the intent is to have 7 members comprising of 5 “independent” members selected from amongst OPs and 2 members from the current Executive Committee for each of the sub-committees. I already have some volunteers from OPs who are passionate and willing to serve but I am all for having the best of our OPs to serve. Through the OPA Notice Board, we will be soliciting volunteers to offer their time and service to serve on these 5 sub-committees. So please watch the notifications and announcements in the new year and I welcome some of you putting your best foot forward to be considered for nomination onto these sub-committees. For the longer term, I hope to not only bring back the glorious days of both academic and sporting excellence but also strengthening the camaraderie and team spirit embedded in all of us when we entered the Boys Wing of RMC, marched through the parade square regularly and participated in all the events, programmes and leadership training we received. Going forward, we want to encourage engagement amongst the alumni, strengthen the network for mutual benefit, greater sharing of successes and experiences with the Present Puteras including mentorship programmes, embarking on a more aggressive membership. If some of you are already on the mailing list of the OPA Notice Board, you will see loads of information and notifications on the activities already posted including future events. If you have trouble accessing the Notice Board, please contact the OPA office. It only remains for me to wish all of you once again a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024.
Terima kasih, Salam Sejahtera and Serve to Lead.