After a lapse of three years, the “OP-PP Annual Games – 2023” was held on Sat, 14 Oct 2023 from 0800 hours to 1430 hours in RMC. The last OP-PP Annual Games was held on Sun, 21 Jul 2019. There were no OP-PP Annual Games held in 2020, 2021 and 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
250 or so OPs and 150 or so family members were in RMC for the OP-PP Annual Games this year, including the OPA President, the OPA Honorary Secretary I and eight other OPA Committee members. Present from RMC were the RMC Commandant, the RMC Director of Studies, the RMC Director of Training, 40 or so RMC teachers and military staff as well as 470 or so Present Puteras (Form IV and Form V). There were no old OPs per se who were present, the oldest being OP Azmi bin Abd Hamid, (H Coy; 1966-1967), who was very much recognised with his beautiful “jambang” and “janggut”. Ever present was OP Azmizam bin Zaman Huri, (A Coy; 1986-1990), ADUN Pelabuhan Klang, and also present were OP Harrison bin Hassan, (A Coy; 1987-1991), ADUN Jeram and OP Mohd Zakaria bin Yadi, (A Coy; 1979-1980), former RMC Commandant (2010-2011).

Six games, namely Football, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton and Sepak Takraw were played between the OP teams and the PP teams for the “Piala Radzi”, which was donated by OP Radzi bin Sheikh Ahmad, (F Coy; 1957-1960), OPA President (1972-1973) in 1983. Rugby was not played this year due to the recent incident. In addition there were also four other events held, namely the Rifle Shooting, the Kayak Race, the Tug-of War and the Road Relay Run events, except that the Road Relay Run was not included as one of the events for the “Piala Radzi” competitions The Rifle Shooting event was also arranged for OPs and their sons (above 16 years of age) to participate.
The registration time at RMC was at 0800 hours but those participated in the shooting reported at 0730 hours at the Shooting Range ‘A’ in the Sungai Besi Camp. 120 OPs and their sons (above 16 years of age) participated in the shooting of the M16 rifles. There were three shooting events, namely the Target Shooting competition between the OP team and the PP team, the Falling Plate competition between the OP team and the PP team, and the Pool Bull competition which was open to all OPs and their sons (above 16 years of age).
Only the Target Shooting competition between the OP team and the PP team was counted as a competition for “Piala Radzi”. Each team consisted of 16 shooters and all their scores were counted towards the team score. The OP team won the competition beating the PP team (100–48). For the Falling Plate competition there were two teams of four shooters in each side. The two OP / PP teams competed against themselves to decide which team would compete against the other team. In the final shoot-out between the OP team and the PP team, the PP team won the competition. However the Falling Plate competition was not included as a competition toward “Piala Radzi”.
The other OPs who were not in the above two competitions, had the opportunity to also shoot the M16 Rifle in the Pool Bull competition that follows. 100 or so OPs and their sons (above 16 years of age) took the opportunity to shoot the M16 Rifle. Each shooter was given 20 rounds to shoot. However, there was no winner since none of the shooters had their shot in the centre of the target. Prior to the shooting proper, the shooters were given a refresher lesson on how to handle the M16 Rifle and the safety rules to be observed.

At 0830 hours, the OP teams, the PP teams for the various games and the RMC teachers and staff gathered at the RMC Parade Square for the Official Opening of the OP-PP Annual Games, which was officiated by the OPA President, accompanied by the PP Games’ Captain. This was followed by the “Senamrobik” session for 15 minutes or so before the start of the various games at 0900 hours at the various venues. Breakfast ala “ta-pau” goodies were provided.

The Football and Hockey games were held at the RMC Padang at 0900 hours. The PP team beat the OP team (2-1) in the Football game. The OP team scored the first goal but the PP team scored the equaliser before the end of the first half. The PP team scored the second and deciding goal during the second half of the game.

The Hockey game was also played at the RMC Padang simultaneously with the Football game at 0900 hours. The OP team easily beat the PP team (6-1), leading all the way until the end of the game.

The Badminton game (five doubles) was played at 0900 hours in the Dewan Tun Templer 2 in the RMC Camp. The five OP doubles easily beat the PP doubles (5-0) with only two match played over a rubber set.

The Sepak Takraw game was played at 0900 hours at the RMC Sepak Takraw courts. Each team fielded three “regu” of three players each. In the first match, the OP team beat the PP team (2-0); in the second match, the PP team beat the OP team in a rubber set (2-1); and in the third match the OP team beat the PP team in a straight fight (2-0). Overall, the OP team beat the PP team (2-1).

The Volleyball game was also played at 0900 hours at the RMC Volleyball Court over five sets. The first set was won by the OP team, the second by the PP team, the third by the OP team and the fourth by the PP team, thus making it a draw (2-2). The PP team won the fifth set to end the game in their favour (3-2).

The Basketball game was played at 0900 hours at the Basketball court in the former RMC Camp. The Basketball court in the current RMC Camp was also the Volleyball Court, where the Volleyball game was held at the same time. The OP team dominated the game from the very start, easily beating the PP team (64-29).

The Road Relay Run event was held on the RMC Parade Ground at 1130 hours. This event was not one of the events for the “Piala Radzi”. It was organised as an Inter-Company event with each company fielded two OPs and three PPs in their teams, each running the full parade ground perimeter before passing the baton to the next runner, the distance of about 400 metres. The run was won by the team from “H” Company and the runner-up was the team from “F” Company.

After the Road Run Relay, the Kayak Race competition was held at the RMC Lake at 1145 hours. Each team had to field four kayak teams with two OPs or PPs in each of the kayaks. The race was by having the first kayak from both teams to start from the same line to a line 200 metres away, where another kayak from the team await to continue the race from where they were to finish at the start line. The OP team won the race, fielding the very young OPs in the team. The view from the RMC side of the lake where the competition was held was scenic indeed, over-looking onto the Mines Golf Course in the distance.

The Tug-of-War competition between the OP and the PP teams was the last event to be held after the Kayak event. Each team had 10 OPs or 10 PPs regardless of weight. The first tug was won by the PP team but the second tug was won by the OP team. However, the OP team won the deciding tug (2-1). Most in the PP team members were the PP Rugby players but not heavy and strong enough to tug over the much heavier and stronger OP team members.

After the Tug-of-War event, all adjourned to the Putera Mess for the Prize-Giving and the closing of the OP-PP Annual Games at 1300 hours. All OPs and their families, the RMC Teachers and Military Staff and all the RMC Puteras attended.
All in all, the OP teams beat the PP teams in seven of the nine games / events competed, namely Hockey (6-1), Basketball (64-25), Badminton (5-0), Sepak Takraw (2-1), Shooting (100-48), Kayak Race (2-0) and Tug-of War (2-1) whilst the PP teams only won two of the games competed, namely Football (2-1) and Volleyball (3-2).
The various prizes were presented to the winning teams by the RMC Commandant and the OPA President. OP Mohd Zakaria bin Yadi was also given the honour to present some of the trophies to the winning teams. The “Piala Radzi” (for the overall winner) was presented to the OP Teams (winning seven out of the nine games/events competed) by the RMC Commandant and was received by the OPA President.

In his address, the RMC Commandant welcomed all the OPs and their family members back to RMC. He was happy that the OP-PP Annual Games could be held this year after a lapse of three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and thanked all for making the event this year possible. The RMC Commandant also spoke about the improvement in the 2022/2023 SPM examination results this year and the increase in the applications to join RMC in the coming 2024/2005 academic year.
In his address, the OPA President thanked the RMC Commandant for his consent to have the OP-PP Annual Games this year and thanked the RMC Director of Studies and the RMC teachers and military staff for their presence. The OPA President spoke about the OPA and the possible ways how the OPA could provide assistance to the Present Puteras after leaving RMC, in seeking further education, employment and net-working.

This was followed by lunch, a special menu – “Nasi Minyak” with “Ayam Briyani”, “Daging masak Hitam”, “Papadom” and “Jelatah” with water melon and ice-cream as dessert – not the standard daily menu in the Putera Mess. All present enjoyed the lunch, including the OP families. Seating for the lunch was arranged by Company tables.

All in all, it was a well-organised event by the OPA and the RMC. It was not until 1500 hours that all left the college for home.
Our thank you to the OPA OP-PP Annual Games Sub-Committee, led by OP Noor Mohamad Hazman bin Hamid, (E Coy; 1993-1994), OPA Committee Member and the RMC staff led by Lt Kol Rashidane bin Radzi Rasalingam, the RMC Director of Training, (who were responsible to make the OP-PP Annual Games this year another successful event by the OPA and RMC). Our thank you to all OPs and their families who were present and to all OPs who took part in the various games. Our thank you also to all our OP contributors for the event.
Looking forward to see you all again in our coming OPA activities !

Write-Up By:
OP Nawawi bin Mat Desa
(F Coy; 1959-1961)
15 October 2023
Photo Link: https://www.flickr.com/gp/160480944@N08/y2M4V4tur6