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OPA welcomes 241 new old puteras

19 MARCH 2023

OPA congratulates the 241 Puteras of intake year 2021, on the successful completion of their 2-year stay in RMC. In Apr 2021, 250 new Puteras joined RMC to continue their Form IV studies but nine left in 2021/2022 to continue their studies in other schools due to various reasons. The 241 of them sat for their SPM examinations in RMC in early March 2023.

The 241 of them, together with another 239 Puteras who were in Form IV took part in the “Passing Out Parade” held in the morning of Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at the RMC Parade Ground. Jen Tan Sri Affendi bin Buang, RMAF, the Chief of Defence Force took the salute during the parade. Present were the parents and family members of the Puteras, members of the RMC Board of Governors and the OPA President and Committee Members.

Due to the current Covid-19 condition, the parade was a static parade, without the marching past. During the parade, Jen Tan Sri Affendi presented the Annual Awards for the year 2022/2023 to the following Puteras:

  • Minister of Defence’ Award for the Overall Best Putera
    SUO Muhammad Aniq Bahjat bin Nor Hilmi, (B Coy)
  • Commandant’ Award for the Best Putera in Military Aspects
    SUO Nasrul Nazman bin Norazman (G Coy)
  • Director of Studies’ Award for the Best Putera in Academic Studies
    JUO Muhammad Ammar bin Mohd Zahari (F Coy)
  • Board of Governors’ Award for the Best Putera in Sports Activities
    Cdt Sgt Azim Muzaffar bin Mohd Danir (F Coy)

“H” Company was awarded the Champion Company in the Inter-Company Competition for the Commandant Prize for the year 2022/2023. Puteras in “H” Company will wear the yellow landyard on the right shoulder for the coming year in addition to the standard RMC landyard worn on the left shoulder by all Puteras in RMC. The award was received by SUO Muhammad Khuzairi bin Abdullah, the Company SUO.

The RMR Central Band played the tune of the “Auld Lyn Syne” as the Form V Puteras marched out of the parade ground to bid farewell to RMC.

All the 241 former Form V Puteras left the RMC for home over the week and will return to RMC in May 2023 or so to collect the results of their SPM Examinations. The 239 new Form V Puteras are continuing their studies in Form V for the year 2023/2024. Another 250 Form IV boys have been selected to join RMC and will report to RMC on 1 Apr 2023 to start their 2-year stay in RMC.

OPA welcomes the 241 Puteras, as Old Puteras into the Old Putera community and wish them all the best in their undertaking either to continue their studies or to prepare themselves into the career of their choosing. We look forward to them joining the OPA as registered members of the Association.

OPA extend our assistance and networking to them to move forward after leaving RMC.

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